AOB - Price Pattern 2.25 (But keep an eye on it. Constructive big cup pattern. Set alert at 14.
BLUD - Price Pattern 2.25, sideways, choppy chart for the year, bad press (SEC investigating)
DIOD - Low F/E, Price Pattern 2.25
FMCN - Group chart makes it not buyable according to our rules. (Even though it's a China stock and who really knows the correlation to this "group." )
HLF - Drastically under performing its group. Bad press. Price Pattern 1.75
SCRX - Yuck! Nasty chart. Price Pattern 1.5
NOV - Oil services looking iffy and RIG is enough representative
CAM - Same reasoning as for NOV
Bonus Wildcard:
LIFC - Strong fundamentals, BUT avg. volume 492K. Just a touch under. I doubt it'll stay that way for long. BUY BUY BUY.
In all its glory, the new money pool:

On probation:
PCP - Iffy group, clinging to resistance. BUT, ROE of 28, Nice, consistent track record for earnings and sales growth and meeting estimates.
(Find this on info the "Quarterly Earnings" link.)
Click to see it bigger.

Comments, thoughts, insights, totally off-the-wall trade ideas all welcome.
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